PHD Project - Driver energy prediction
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3 years ago
\chap{Test Chapter}
Templates, Tests, Rests
\item Nomeclature + Macros + Symbols with heads + Tabel Format (Emily Fox)
\item All compiling
\item Fast compiling
\item Bibliography
\item Kopf- bzw. Fußzeile bei:
\item Notational Conventions
\item Acronyms and Abbreviations
\item Contents
\item List of Figures
\item List of Tables
\item Bibliography
\item MAIN Part ...
\item \textfixme{Declaration?}
\item \textfixme{Titelseite anpassen} % nach Vorbild Dötlinger
\item \textfixme{Bisher keine Links bei refs auf Subfigures (subcaptionbox in chapter static Varianten Normalisierung)}
\item \texttodo{Spacing in Math Mode aus The Not so Short Introduction to Latex 2e}
\item \textfixme{Umbrüche / zu lange Zeilen / Hyphenation prüfen}
\item \textfixme{Prüfen: überall log (englisch) statt ln (deutsch)?}
Ganz zum Schluss, in dieser Reihenfolge:
\item Literaturverzeichnis prüfen
\item Text nach ?? durchsuchen
\item Boxen prüfen
\item Worttrennung / Umbrüche prüfen
\item Platzierung von Algorithmen prüfen
\item Literatur ausdrucken
\item \texttodo{To Do}
\item \textfixme{Fix me}
\item \fixme{Fix me - no text}
\item \textcaution{Caution}
\item \textinfo{Info}
\item \cite{Kuipers.2000}
\item \cite[][]{Boor.1972}
\item \cite[][14]{Waldron.2016}
\item \cite[][491]{Biagiotti.2008}
\item \cite[][31\psq]{Biagiotti.2008}
\item \cite[][411-417]{Dahlquist.2008}
Glossaries (GLS)
\item \gls{acr:MSE}
% \item $\gls{raumpunkt}$
\item \glspl{acr:iid}
%\item \glsentryshortpl{acr:rw}
%\item \glsentryshort{acr:dh}
\tabitem Appendix: & \text{\textbackslash appref\{app:xxx\}}\\
\tabitem Tabular: & \text{\textbackslash tabref\{tab:xxx\}}\\
\tabitem Equation: & \text{\textbackslash eqref\{eq:xxx\}}\\
\tabitem Figure: & \text{\textbackslash figref\{fig:xxx\}}\\
a^2 + b^2 = 7 c^2\\
\mv{y} = \mm{A} \mv{x}
\matfun[x]{R}{\theta}&=&\mrbegin{3}{1& 0& 0\\0& \cosBr{\theta}& -\sinBr{\theta}\\0& \sinBr{\theta}& \cosBr{\theta}}\label{eq:basicsrotationx}\\
\matfun[z]{R}{\theta}&=&\mrbegin{3}{\cosBr{\theta}& -\sinBr{\theta}& 0\\\sinBr{\theta}& \cosBr{\theta}& 0\\0& 0& 1}\label{eq:basicsrotationz}
\simpleeq{{}^{A'}\matfun[A]{R}{\mv{\xi}}&=&\matfun[z]{R}{\phi}\matfun[x']{R}{\vartheta}\matfun[z'']{R}{\psi}=\mrbegin{3}{{}_{A}\mv{e}_x & {}_{A}\mv{e}_y & {}_{A}\mv{e}_z}\label{eq:basicseuler}}
Maktros ...
${}_{O}{\mv{r}}\in\dimR{3}$ und ${}_{A}{\mv{r}}\in\dimR{3}$,
$\matfun[x]{R}{\theta}$, $\matfun[y]{R}{\theta}$ und $\matfun[z]{R}{\theta}$
\caption{Bla Bla}
DH-Parameter & $\theta$ $\SI{}{[\radian]}$ & $d$ $\SI{}{[\mm]}$ & $a$ $\SI{}{[\mm]}$ & $\alpha$ $\SI{}{[\radian]}$\\
Basis & 0 & $40$ & 0 & 0 \\ % k ok, d ok
Achse 1 & $q_1$ & $0$ & $l_1$ & 0 \\
Achse 2 & $q_2$ & $0$ & $l_2$ & 0 \\
Achse 3 & 0 & $q_3-40$ & 0 & 0 \\
Achse 4 & $q_4$ & $0$ & xxx & $-\nicefrac{\pi}{2}$ \\
Achse 5 & $q_5$ & $0$ & xxx & 0 \\
%\begin{figure}[''placement specifier'']
% Specifier Permission
% h Place the float here, i.e., approximately at the same point it occurs in the source text (however, not exactly at the spot)
% t Position at the top of the page.
% b Position at the bottom of the page.
% p Put on a special page for floats only.
% ! Override internal parameters LaTeX uses for determining "good" float positions.
% H Places the float at precisely the location in the LaTeX code. Requires the float package (\usepackage{float}). This is somewhat equivalent to h!,
% though some errors may arise if you have too many consecutive floats with [H]
\renewcommand\figureXLabel{u}% \mathSymbolWithUnit{\varphi}{\degree} }
\renewcommand\figureYLabel{$f\parens*{u}$}% \mathSymbolWithUnit{M(\varphi)}{Nm} }
%\input{"graphics/P1211 01/001 idPartType 10021 idChannel 10063 idXAxis 10003.tikz"}
\caption[Polynominterpolynom und Runge-Phänomen]{Funktion $f\parens*{u}=\frac{1}{25u^2+1}$ \lineWithParens{black} und deren Polynominterpolation nach ; Polynom vom Grad $\nu=4$ \dashedLineWithParens{myLineOne}, Grad $\nu=6$ \dashedLineWithParens{myLineTwo}, Grad $\nu=8$ \dashedLineWithParens{myLineThree} und Grad $\nu=10$ \dashedLineWithParens{myLineFour}, sowie eine kubische Splineinterpolation \dashDotLineWithParens{myLineFive} durch 10 Segmente}
\subcaptionbox{Basisfunktionen nullten Grades}{
\subcaptionbox{Basisfunktionen ersten Grades}{
\subcaptionbox{Basisfunktionen zweiten Grades}{
\caption[Basisfunktionen eines B-Splines]{Basisfunktionen definiert mit dem Knotenvektor}
\tikz{ %
% Define nodes
\node[obs] (y) {$y_{i}^{(j)}$};
\node[obs, right=of y] (f) {$f_{ik}^{(j)}$};
\factor[above=of y,yshift=0.7cm] {yf} {Multi} {} {} ; %
\factor[above=of f,yshift=0.7cm] {rf} {Cat} {} {} ;
\node[latent, left=of yf] (pi) {$\pi_{c}^{(j)}$};
\node[latent, above=of pi, yshift=0.5cm] (beta) {$\beta_{c}^{(j)}$};
\factor[above=of pi, yshift=0.4cm] {pi-f} {left:Dir} {} {} ; %
\node[latent, above=of yf, xshift=0.8cm, yshift=3cm ] (t) {$t_i$};
\node[latent, above=of t, yshift=0.5cm] (p) {$p$};
\node[latent, right=of p, xshift=0.8cm] (alpha) {$\alpha$};
\factor[above=of t, yshift=0.5cm] {t-f} {left:Beta} {} {} ; %
\factor[right=of p, xshift=0.5cm] {p-f} {Dir} {} {} ; %
\node[latent, right=of rf] (d) {$z_{k,c}^{(i)}$};
\node[latent, above=of d, yshift=0.5cm] (gamma) {$\gamma_{0,c}^{(i)}$};
\factor[above=of d, yshift=0.4cm] {d-f} {right:Dir} {} {} ; %
% Connect the nodes
\edge {y} {f} ;
\factoredge {gamma} {d-f} {d} ;
\factoredge {alpha} {p-f} {p}; %
\factoredge {p} {t-f} {t}; %
\factoredge {beta} {pi-f} {pi} ;
\factoredge {pi} {yf} {y} ;
\factoredge {d} {rf} {f} ;
\gate {y-gate} {(yf)(yf-caption)} {t}
\gate {f-gate} {(rf)(rf-caption)} {t}
% Plates
\plate [inner sep=0.3cm, xshift=0.1cm, yshift=-0.2cm,color=red] {pA} {(f)(rf)(d)(d-f)} {$k \in K_i$}; %
{\tikzset{plate caption/.append style={above=5pt of #1.north west}}
\plate [inner sep=0.3cm, xshift=0.2cm, color=blue] {pC} {(beta)(pi)(d)(gamma)} {C classes};}
{\tikzset{plate caption/.append style={above=5pt of #1.north east}}
\plate [inner sep=0.7cm, xshift=0.3cm, yshift=-0.4cm, color=brown] {pT} {(t)(gamma)(d)(yf)(y)(rf)(f)} {N objects};}
{\tikzset{plate caption/.append style={above=5pt of #1.south west}}
\plate [inner sep=0.2cm, xshift=-0.2cm] {pM} {(beta)(pi)(yf)(y)(rf)(f)} {M workers} ;}
\plate [inner sep=0.2cm, xshift=-0.05cm, yshift=0.15cm] {pJi} {(y)(f)} {$J_i$}