# Maintainer * [Egon Geerardyn](https://github.com/egeerardyn) is the current maintainer (2015 - now). * [Nico Schlömer](https://github.com/nschloe) designed and implemented the intial version and was the first maintainer (2008 - 2015). # Contributors Thanks for patches, suggestions, and other contributions go to: * [Ben Abbott](https://github.com/bpabbott) * Martijn Aben (The MathWorks) * [Nicolas Alt](https://github.com/nalt) * [Eshwar Andhavarapu](https://github.com/gontadu) * Matt Bauman * Eike Blechschmidt * [Klaus Broelemann](https://github.com/Broele) * [Katherine Elkington](https://github.com/kelkington) * [Thomas Emmert](https://github.com/murmlgrmpf) * Andreas Gäb * [Egon Geerardyn](https://github.com/egeerardyn) * Roman Gesenhues * Michael Glasser (The MathWorks) * [David Haberthür](https://github.com/habi) * [Patrick Häcker](https://github.com/MagicMuscleMan) * [Ulrich Herter](https://github.com/ulijh) * [David Horsley](https://github.com/widdma) * Kári Hreinsson * [Lucas Jeub](https://github.com/LJeub) * Martin Kiefel * [Andreas Kloeckner](https://github.com/akloeckner) * Mykel Kochenderfer * [Oleg Komarov](https://github.com/okomarov) * Henk Kortier * [Tom Lankhorst](https://github.com/tomlankhorst) * [Burkart Lingner](https://github.com/burkart) * Theo Markettos * [Dragan Mitrevski](https://github.com/nidrosianDeath) * [Jason Monschke](https://github.com/jam4375) * Francesco Montorsi * Ricardo Santiago Mozos * Johannes Mueller-Roemer * [Ali Ozdagli](https://github.com/aliirmak) * [Richard Peschke](https://github.com/RPeschke) * [Peter Ploß](https://github.com/PeterPablo) * Julien Ridoux * [Christoph Rüdiger](https://github.com/mredd) * Carlos Russo * [Manuel Schiller](https://github.com/dachziegel) * [Nico Schlömer](https://github.com/nschloe) * Johannes Schmitz * Michael Schoeberl * [Jan Taro Svejda](https://github.com/JTSvejda) * [José Vallet](https://github.com/josombio) * [Thomas Wagner](https://github.com/Aikhjarto) * Donghua Wang * [Patrick Wang](https://github.com/patrickkwang) * Robert Whittlesey * Pooya Ziraksaz * Bastiaan Zuurendonk (The MathWorks) * GitHub users: [andreas12345](https://github.com/andreas12345), [theswitch](https://github.com/theswitch) # Acknowledgements Matlab2tikz has once greatly profited from its ancestor: [Matfig2PGF](http://www.mathworks.com/matlabcentral/fileexchange/12962) written by Paul Wagenaars. Also, the authors would like to thank [Christian Feuersänger](https://github.com/cfeuersaenger) for the [Pgfplots](http://pgfplots.sourceforge.net) package which forms the basis for the matlab2tikz output on the LaTeX side.