function [ status ] = testGraphical( varargin ) %TESTGRAPHICAL Runs the M2T test suite to produce graphical output % % This is quite a thin wrapper around testMatlab2tikz to run the test suite to % produce a PDF side-by-side report. % % Its allowed arguments are the same as those of testMatlab2tikz. % % Usage: % % status = testGraphical(...) % gives programmatical access to the data % % testGraphical(...); % automatically invokes makeLatexReport afterwards % % See also: testMatlab2tikz, testHeadless, makeLatexReport [state] = initializeGlobalState(); finally_restore_state = onCleanup(@() restoreGlobalState(state)); [status, args] = testMatlab2tikz('actionsToExecute', @actionsToExecute, ... varargin{:}); if nargout == 0 makeLatexReport(status, args.output); end end % ============================================================================== function status = actionsToExecute(status, ipp) status = execute_plot_stage(status, ipp); if status.skip return end status = execute_save_stage(status, ipp); status = execute_tikz_stage(status, ipp); %status = execute_hash_stage(status, ipp); %cannot work with files in %standalone mode! status = execute_type_stage(status, ipp); if ~status.closeall && ~isempty(status.plotStage.fig_handle) close(status.plotStage.fig_handle); else close all; end end % ==============================================================================