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274 lines
9.1 KiB
274 lines
9.1 KiB
2 years ago
import subprocess
import tkinter
import tkinter.messagebox
from datetime import datetime
from tkinter import *
def set_time():
year ='%Y')
month ='%m')
day ='%d')
hour ='%H')
minute ='%M')
subprocess.Popen(["adb", "shell", f"'date' `date +{month}{day}{hour}{minute}{year}.00`"])
time_string = day + "." + month + "." + year + " " + hour + ":" + minute
labelTime.config(text=time_string, font=("arial", "9", "bold"))
def Layout(self, Zeile, Spalte, Typ, Zeilen=1, Spalten=1, framefactor=1):
offsetX = 70
stepX = 280
offsetY = 25
stepY = 40
background_edge = 10 * framefactor
x_pos = offsetX + (Spalte-1) * stepX
y_pos = offsetY + (Zeile-1) * stepY
elements = {
"Button": [100, 40],
"Label": [240, 40],
"Entry": [50, 40],
"Background": [240, 40]
masse = elements[Typ]
width = masse[0]
height = masse[1]
if Typ == "Background":
x_pos = (Spalte-1)*stepX - background_edge + offsetX
y_pos = (Zeile-1)*stepY - background_edge + offsetY
width = masse[0]*Spalten + 2*background_edge
height = masse[1]*Zeilen + 2*background_edge
|, x=x_pos, y=y_pos, width=width, height=height)
""" --- layout Methoden --- """
Orte_list = {
"saved \n Places": ["Lat", "Long"],
"Ingolstadt": ["48.76219", "11.42543"],
"Weissach": ["48.852187", "8.901738"],
"Spa": ["50.447845", "5.960178"]
def saveIP():
newIP = entryIP.get()
# print(IPs)
if not newIP in IPs:
dropDownIP = OptionMenu(Fenster, variable, *IPs, command=overwriteIPEntry)
Layout(dropDownIP, 3, 1, "Button")
tkinter.messagebox.showinfo("Fehler", "IP-Adresse bereits in Liste gespeichert")
def saveCoor():
newCoor = [0, 0]
newCoor[0] = entryLat.get()
newCoor[1] = entryLong.get()
Orte_list[f"{newCoor[0]}, {newCoor[1]}"] = newCoor # Adding new coordinates to dic
Coordinates.append(f"{newCoor[0]}, {newCoor[1]}") # Adding new coordinates to List of Keys
dropDownCoor = OptionMenu(Fenster, Orte, *Coordinates, command=overwriteLatLong)
Layout(dropDownCoor, 7.5, 1, "Button")
def overwriteIPEntry(IP):
entryIP.delete(0, END)
entryIP.insert(0, IP)
def overwriteLatLong(Place):
selected = Orte_list[Place]
entryLat.delete(0, END)
entryLat.insert(0, selected[0])
entryLong.delete(0, END)
entryLong.insert(0, selected[1])
def delete_text(event):
event.widget.delete(0, "end")
""" --- adb methoden --- """
def connect():
ip = str(entryIP.get())
#["adb", "connect", ip], shell=True)
# output = subprocess.check_output(["adb", "connect", ip], shell=True)
subprocess.Popen(["adb", "connect", ip]) # Öffnen ohne zu beachten
# output =["adb", "connect", ip], capture_output=True) # Check Return Code
# print(output)
# print(output.returncode)
print('test connect')
subprocess.Popen(["adb", "devices"]) # Öffnen ohne zu beachten
def disconnect():
|["adb", "disconnect"])
def root():
|["adb", "root"])
def forceStop():
|["adb", "shell", "am", "force-stop", ""])
def clearCache():
|["adb", "shell", "rm", "-r", "/data/user/10/"])
|["adb", "shell", "rm", "-r", "/data/user/10/"])
def reboot():
|["adb", "reboot"])
def VStart():
print("Starte Screenvideo")
def VStop():
print("Stoppe Screenvideo")
def VPull():
print("Pull Video to Desktop")
""" --- Sonstiges --- """
def start_screencopy():
path_scrcpy = r"C:\Users\EOGDJZO\Desktop\Projekt\Basics\Screencopy"
subprocess.Popen([path_scrcpy + r"\scrcpy.exe"])
def set_CCP():
lat = str(entryLat.get())
long = str(entryLong.get())
#["adb", "connect", ip], shell=True)
# output = subprocess.check_output(["adb", "connect", ip], shell=True)
output =["adb", "shell", "am", "broadcast", "-a", "de.esolutions.navigation.SET_POSITION", "--ef", "latitude", lat, "--ef", "longitude", long], shell=True) # Check Return Code
def startUp():
# labelOutput.config(text=Result)
Fenster = Tk()
Fenster.title("HCP3 Interface")
Fenster.geometry("960x1080") # Breite x Höhe
labelTime = Label(master=Fenster, bg="grey")
|, y=10, width=120, height=30)
buttonTime = Button(master=Fenster, bg="grey", text="Set Time", command=set_time, font=("arial", "12", "bold"))
|, y=40, width=100, height=40)
"""--- Background ---"""
labelBGStartUp = Label(master=Fenster, bg="grey")
Layout(labelBGStartUp, 1, 1, "Background", 10, 1, 2)
labelBGIP = Label(master=Fenster, bg="white")
Layout(labelBGIP, 1, 1, "Background", 4)
labelBGCCP = Label(master=Fenster, bg="white")
Layout(labelBGCCP, 5.5, 1, "Background", 4)
labelBGApp_ = Label(master=Fenster, bg="grey")
Layout(labelBGApp_, 12, 1, "Background", 4, 1, 2)
labelBGApp = Label(master=Fenster, bg="white")
Layout(labelBGApp, 12, 1, "Background", 4)
labelBGVideo_ = Label(master=Fenster, bg="grey")
Layout(labelBGVideo_, 16.5, 1, "Background", 4, 1, 2)
labelBGVideo = Label(master=Fenster, bg="white")
Layout(labelBGVideo, 16.5, 1, "Background", 4)
"""--- IP ---"""
labelEnterIP = Label(master=Fenster, text="Verbindung zum HCP3", font=("arial", 16, "bold"))
Layout(labelEnterIP, 1, 1, "Label")
#, y=25, width=120, height=50)
entryIP = Entry(master=Fenster, justify="center", bg="white", font=("arial", 14))
entryIP.insert(0, "Hier IP Adresse eingeben")
entryIP.bind('<Button-1>', delete_text)
Layout(entryIP, 2, 1, "Label")
buttonConnect = Button(master=Fenster, bg="green", text="Connect", command=connect, font=("arial", "12", "bold"))
Layout(buttonConnect, 4, 1, "Button")
buttonDisconnect = Button(master=Fenster, bg="red", text="Disconnect", command=disconnect, font=("arial", "12", "bold"))
Layout(buttonDisconnect, 4, 1.5, "Button")
IPs = ["saved \n IPs", "", "", ""]
variable = StringVar(Fenster)
variable.set(IPs[0]) # Default für IP-Adresse
dropDownIP = OptionMenu(Fenster, variable, *IPs, command=overwriteIPEntry)
# dropDownIP.config(font=("arial", "12"))
Layout(dropDownIP, 3, 1, "Button")
buttonSaveIP = Button(master=Fenster, bg="yellow", text="Save IP \n to List", command=saveIP, font=("arial", "11", "bold"))
Layout(buttonSaveIP, 3, 1.5, "Button")
""" --- Koordinaten --- """
labelEnterKoo = Label(master=Fenster, text="CCP platzieren", font=("arial", 16, "bold"))
Layout(labelEnterKoo, 5.5, 1, "Label")
#, y=25, width=120, height=50)
entryLat = Entry(master=Fenster, justify="center", bg="white", font=("arial", 16))
entryLat.insert(0, "Lat")
entryLat.bind('<Button-1>', delete_text)
Layout(entryLat, 6.5, 1, "Button")
entryLong = Entry(master=Fenster, justify="center", bg="white", font=("arial", 16))
entryLong.insert(0, "Long")
entryLong.bind('<Button-1>', delete_text)
Layout(entryLong, 6.5, 1.5, "Button")
Coordinates = ["saved \n Places", "Ingolstadt", "Weissach", "Spa"]
Orte = StringVar(Fenster)
Orte.set(Coordinates[0]) # Default für Koordinaten
dropDownCoor = OptionMenu(Fenster, Orte, *Coordinates, command=overwriteLatLong)
Layout(dropDownCoor, 7.5, 1, "Button")
buttonSaveCoor = Button(master=Fenster, bg="yellow", text="Save \n Coordinates", command=saveCoor, font=("arial", "11", "bold"))
Layout(buttonSaveCoor, 7.5, 1.5, "Button")
buttonSetCCP = Button(master=Fenster, bg="green", text="Set Position", command=set_CCP, font=("arial", "12", "bold"))
Layout(buttonSetCCP, 8.5, 1, "Label")
buttonStartUp = Button(master=Fenster, bg="lightgrey", text="Execute StartUp Routine", command=startUp, font=("arial", "14", "bold"))
Layout(buttonStartUp, 10, 1, "Label")
"""--- App ---"""
labelEnterKoo = Label(master=Fenster, text="Navigation App", font=("arial", 16, "bold"))
Layout(labelEnterKoo, 12, 1, "Label")
buttonFStop = Button(master=Fenster, bg="grey", text="Force Stop\nNavApp", command=forceStop, font=("arial", "11", "bold"))
Layout(buttonFStop, 13.25, 1, "Button")
buttonCCache = Button(master=Fenster, bg="grey", text="Clear Cache\n& Storage", command=clearCache, font=("arial", "11", "bold"))
Layout(buttonCCache, 13.25, 1.5, "Button")
buttonroot = Button(master=Fenster, bg="grey", text="adb root", command=root, font=("arial", "11", "bold"))
Layout(buttonroot, 14.5, 1, "Button")
buttonreboot = Button(master=Fenster, bg="grey", text="Reboot\nHCP3", command=reboot, font=("arial", "11", "bold"))
Layout(buttonreboot, 14.5, 1.5, "Button")
"""--- System ---"""
labelSys = Label(master=Fenster, text="android Screenvideo", font=("arial", 16, "bold"))
Layout(labelSys, 16.5, 1, "Label")
buttonVStart = Button(master=Fenster, bg="green", text="Start", command=VStart, font=("arial", "12", "bold"))
Layout(buttonVStart, 17.75, 1, "Button")
buttonVStop = Button(master=Fenster, bg="red", text="Stop", command=VStop, font=("arial", "12", "bold"))
Layout(buttonVStop, 17.75, 1.5, "Button")
buttonVpull = Button(master=Fenster, bg="grey", text="pull Video to PC", command=VPull, font=("arial", "12", "bold"))
Layout(buttonVpull, 19, 1, "Label")