%%% define chapter style
%{\chapter} % command: \part, \chapter, \section, \subsection, \subsubsection, \paragraph or \subparagraph
%[display] % shape: block, display, hang, runin, wrap, drop
%{\bfseries} % format
%{\filleft\colorbox{TUMgray3}{\makebox(45,45)[cc]{\resizebox{!}{22pt}{\textcolor{TUMblue}{\thechapter}}}}} % label
%{-20pt} % sep
%\LARGE \textcolor{black}{#1}
%} % before-code
%[] % after-code
%%% define section style
%{\section} % command: \part, \chapter, \section, \subsection, \subsubsection, \paragraph or \subparagraph
%[hang] % shape: block, display, hang, runin, wrap, drop
%{\bfseries \Large} % format
%{\thesection} % label
%{10pt} % sep
%{#1} % before-code
%[] % after-code
%%% define subsection style
%{\subsection} % command: \part, \chapter, \section, \subsection, \subsubsection, \paragraph or \subparagraph
%[hang] % shape: block, display, hang, runin, wrap, drop
%{\bfseries \large} % format
%{\thesubsection} % label
%{10pt} % sep
%{#1} % before-code
%[] % after-code
%% define header and footer with fancyhdr
%% E: even, O: odd, L: left, C: center, R: right, H: header, F: footer
%% \thepage => \pagenumbering{xxx}
%% the normal pages will use pagestyle fancy:
%% \fancypagestyle{fancy} { ... } % this breaks the build. who knows why...
%\fancyhf{} %alle Kopf- und Fu<EFBFBD>zeilenfelder bereinigen
%%\renewcommand{\chaptermark}[1]{\markboth{\thechapter\ #1}{}}
%%\renewcommand{\sectionmark}[1]{\markright{\thesection\ #1}}
%\fancyhead{} % clear all header fields
%\fancyfoot{} % clear all footer fields
%% the chapter-starting pages automatically use pagestyle plain (def. of documentclass):
%% uncomment this whole block to switch to simple chapter-starting pages
%%\renewcommand{\headrule}{\vbox to 0pt{\hbox to \headwidth{\dotfill}\vss}}
%\vskip 2pt% 2pt between lines
%\hrule\@height.5pt\@width\headwidth% lower line with .5pt line width
%%\renewcommand{\chaptermark}[1]{\markboth{\thechapter\ #1}{}}
%%\renewcommand{\sectionmark}[1]{\markright{\thesection\ #1}}
%%\fancyhead{} % clear all header fields
%%\fancyfoot{} % clear all footer fields
%% note: the pagestyle "empty" seems to be pre-defined
%Kopf-und Fu<EFBFBD>zeile aktivieren
% Kopf/Fu<EFBFBD>-zeile: ============================================
%%% Start %%%
\ihead[]{} % obeninnen
\chead[]{} % obenmitte
\ohead[]{\scshape \headmark} % obenau<EFBFBD>en
\ofoot[]{} % untenau<EFBFBD>en
\cfoot[ \pagemark \ ] { \pagemark \ } % untenmitte
\ifoot[]{} % unteninnen
%\setheadsepline{0.4pt} \setfootsepline{0.4pt}
%%% Main %%%
\lehead{\scshape{\chaptername \ \thechapter: \headmark}} % even pages Chapter
\rohead{\scshape \headmark}
\ofoot[ \pagemark \ ]{ \pagemark \ } % untenau<EFBFBD>en
\cfoot[]{} % untenmitte
\ifoot[]{} % unteninnen
%\setheadsepline{0.4pt} \setfootsepline{0.4pt}
%%% Ende %%%
% <EFBFBD>nderung f<EFBFBD>r den Anhang
\lehead{\scshape{Appendix}} % even pages Chapter
\rohead{\scshape \headmark}
\ofoot[ \pagemark \ ]{ \pagemark \ } % untenau<EFBFBD>en
\cfoot[]{} % untenmitte
\ifoot[]{} % unteninnen
%\setheadsepline{0.4pt} \setfootsepline{0.4pt}
%%% Literatur %%%
% <EFBFBD>nderung f<EFBFBD>r den Anhang
\ihead[]{} % obeninnen
\chead[]{} % obenmitte
\ohead[]{\scshape \headmark} % obenau<EFBFBD>en
\ofoot[]{} % untenau<EFBFBD>en
\cfoot[ \pagemark \ ] { \pagemark \ } % untenmitte
\ifoot[]{} % unteninnen
%\setheadsepline{0.4pt} \setfootsepline{0.4pt}
% Kopf/Fu<EFBFBD>-zeile: ============================================