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393 lines
17 KiB
393 lines
17 KiB
3 years ago
% \newglossaryentry{}{type=symbols,name=$$,sort=,description={}}
% \macsym{macro}{name}{sort}{description}
% -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
% Mathematics basics
% -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
% Define new math operators
%\DeclareMathOperator{\kern}{kern} %somewhere already defined
% Abbreviate sets, compact sets (of numbers, ...)
\sym{sy:F}{\F}{F}{sets of fett numbers ...}
\sym{sy:X}{\X}{X}{sets of XXX numbers ...}
\newcommand{\Rp}{\mathbb{R}_{\geq 0}}
\newcommand{\Rsp}{\mathbb{R}_{> 0}}
\newcommand{\Cn}{\mathbb{C}_{< 0}}
\newcommand{\Czp}{\mathbb{C}_{\geq 0}}
% compact set
% open set
% function set
% system class
% operator class
% boundary set
% for defining a set
\newcommand{\setdef}[2]{\left\{\ #1\ \left|\vphantom{#1}\ #2\ \right.\right\}}
% function spaces
% Norms
% norm ||.||
\newcommand{\norm}[1]{\left\lVert #1 \right\rVert}
% ||.||_infty
\newcommand{\esnorm}[1]{\lVert #1 \rVert_{\infty}}
\newcommand{\Wnorm}[3]{\lVert #3 \rVert_{#1,#2}}
\newcommand{\Lnorm}[2]{\lVert #2 \rVert_{\fset{L}^{#1}}}
% limits
\newcommand{\limtoinfty}[1]{\lim_{#1 \to \infty}}
\newcommand{\limtozero}[1]{\lim_{#1 \to 0}}
\newcommand{\limto}[2]{\lim_{#1 \to #2}}
% General
% lapace
% myVector = \mv
% myMatrix = \mm
% myOperator = \mO
% inner product <.,.>
\newcommand{\iproduct}[2]{\langle #1,\, #2 \rangle}
% myEnergy = \me
% Dimensions e.g. [Nm]
% Differentiation
\newcommand{\fpartial}[2]{\frac{\partial^{#1}}{\partial #2^{#1}}\,}
\newcommand{\fpartials}[3]{\dfrac{\partial^{#1}{#3}}{\partial #2^{#1}}\,}
% Hackl
% PS-Frag
% Real- und Imaginäranteil
% General
% Linear Algebra
\newcommand{\oneV}{\mv{1}} % unity vector e.g. 1_3 = (1,1,1)^\top
\newcommand{\oneM}{\mm{I}} % unity vector e.g. 1_3 = (1,1,1)^\top
% Differentiation
\newcommand{\ddtsmall}{\tfrac{{\rm d}}{{\rm d}t}}
\newcommand{\ddt}{\dfrac{{\rm d}}{{\rm d}t}}
\newcommand{\ddp}[1]{\frac{\partial}{\partial #1}}
% Optimierung
% Integration
% Stochastic
% Hidden Markov Model
\newcommand{\xkhat}[2] {\hat{\mv{x}}_{\mv{#1}#2}}
% Particle Filter
%\losstring - Wenn output ein Makro enthält, dann ein \losstring am Anfang einfügen.
% Syntax \newsym Befehl
%\newsym[ description ]{ macroname }{ output }
% Basics:
%\newsym[set of natural numbers]{N}{\mathbb{N}}
%\newsym[set of integer numbers]{Z}{\mathbb{Z}}
\DeclarePairedDelimiter{\parens}{\lparen}{\rparen} % (round) parentheses \parens{...} (no auto-size) and \parens*{...} (auto-size), useful for combination with functions f\parens{args}
\DeclarePairedDelimiter{\bracks}{\lbrack}{\rbrack} % [square] brackets
\DeclarePairedDelimiter{\curls}{\{}{\}} % curly braces
\DeclarePairedDelimiter\abs{\lvert}{\rvert} % abs()
\newcommand{\mvbegin}[1]{\begin{bmatrix}#1\end{bmatrix}} % Vector content - begin[ ]end
\newcommand{\mmbegin}[1]{\begin{bmatrix}#1\end{bmatrix}} % Matrix content - begin[ ]end
\newcommand{\mrbegin}[2]{\left[ \begin{array}{*{#1}{r}}#2\end{array} \right] } % Matrix content - columns right aligned, number of columns in first argument
\newcommand{\simpleeq}[1]{\begin{IEEEeqnarray}{rCl}#1\end{IEEEeqnarray}} % Einfache Gleichung mit Inhalt
\newcommand{\mtbegin}[1]{\parens*{#1}} % Tupel - begin ( )end
\newcommand{\msbegin}[1]{\curls*{#1}} % Set - begin { }end
\newcommand{\counterset}[1]{\bracks{#1}} % counter set {1, ..., N}, written as [N]
\newcommand{\normbegin}[1]{\left\Vert{#1}\right\Vert} % Norm
\newcommand{\rechtsoffen}[1]{\left[#1\right)} % Rechtsoffenes Intervall
\newcommand{\linkssoffen}[1]{\left(#1\right]} % Linksoffenes Intervall
\newcommand{\closedSetR}[1]{\bracks{#1}} % Geschlossene Menge [0,pi]
\newcommand{\del}{\partial} % Partielle Ableitung
\newcommand{\trans}[1]{{#1}^T} % Transpose
\newcommand{\pinv}[1]{{#1}^{+}} % Pseudo-Inverse
%\newcommand{\norm}[1]{\left\lvert#1\right\rvert} % Absolute value
\newcommand{\dimR}[1]{\R^{#1}} % Dimension of real vector R^(a)
\newcommand{\dimRTwo}[2]{\R^{#1\times#2}} % Dimension of real vector R^(a x b)
\newcommand{\dif}{\mathrm{d}} % Derivative operator d
\newcommand{\matfun}[3][]{\mm{#2}_{#1}\parens*{#3}} % Matrix function R_a(u) = \matfun[a]{R}{u}
\newcommand{\const}{\text{const.}} % const.
\newcommand{\sinBr}[1]{\sin{\left(#1\right)}} % \sin() with braces
\newcommand{\cosBr}[1]{\cos{\left(#1\right)}} % \cos() with braces
\newcommand{\diagBr}[1]{\symdiag\curls{#1}} % Diagonal matrix diag{vector}
\newcommand{\nullV}{\mv{0}} % Nullvektor
\DeclareMathOperator{\signOp}{\text{sign}} % sign operator
\newcommand{\signBr}[1]{\signOp\parens*{#1}} % sign(#1) with parentheses
\newcommand{\expBr}[1]{\exp\parens*{#1}} % exp(#1) with parentheses
%\newsym[cost function]{costFun}{J} % Cost function
\newcommand{\costFunBr}[1]{\costFun\parens*{#1}} % Cost function J(#1) with parentheses
\newcommand{\costFunSubBr}[2]{\costFun_{#1}\parens*{#2}} % Cost function J_#1(#2) with subscript and parentheses
% some constants:
%\newsym[generic constant]{constA}{c} % a generic constant c
% calculus:
\DeclareMathOperator{\diff}{\mathrm{d}\!} % non-italic differential
\DeclareMathOperator{\supp}{\mathrm{supp}\!} % non-italic differential
% basic probability tools:
%\newcommand{\klBr}[2]{\klOp \parens*{#1 \mid\mid #2}} % old version of KL(#1 || #2) without automatic resizing of ||
\DeclarePairedDelimiterX{\infdivx}[2]{(}{)}{#1\;\delimsize\|\;#2} % helper for (1 || 2)
\newcommand{\klBr}{\kl\infdivx*} % KL(#1 || #2), starred version for automatic sizing; usage: \klBr{p}{q}
\newcommand{\est}[1]{\hat{#1}} % estimated value of some parameter, label etc.
\newcommand{\apr}[1]{\widetilde{#1}} % approximate parameter, usually for an approximating density \pdfq
\newcommand{\suchThat}{s.t.} % text to add constraints to an optimization problem (english: s.t.); [Papageorgiou2012, p. 11]: "unter Berücksichtigung von (u.B.v.)"; [Papageorgiou2012, p. 12, p. 67] "wobei"
% -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
% Application variables and constants
% -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
% parameter estimation:
%\newsym[iteration number]{iteration}{i}
% -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
% Units
% -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
\newcommand{\mathSymbolWithUnit}[2]{ \SI[parse-numbers = false, number-math-rm = \ensuremath]{#1}{\bracks{#2}} } % math symbol with unit, e.g. \varphi [rad]; do not use $
% -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
% Lists
% -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
% Itemize with smaller indentation and item spacing:
\newcommand{\myitemize}[1]{\begin{itemize}[leftmargin=3.5mm,listparindent=0mm, itemindent=0mm, parsep=0mm, itemsep=0mm]#1\end{itemize}}
% -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
% Editing helpers
% -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
% Mark text sections for easy recognition:
% Quotes:
\newcommand{\deqq}[1]{\glqq{}#1\grqq} % german quotation
\newcommand{\enqq}[1]{``#1''} % english quotation
% References to figures, tables etc.:
\newcommand{\figref}[1]{Figure\;\ref{#1}} % Reference to figure, middle of a sentence
\newcommand{\Figref}[1]{Figure\;\ref{#1}} % Reference to figure, beginning of a sentence
\newcommand{\fullsubfigref}[1]{Fig.\;\ref*{#1}} % Reference to figure and subfigure, middle of a sentence; the subcaption package needs \ref*
\newcommand{\Fullsubfigref}[1]{Figure\;\ref*{#1}} % Reference to figure and subfigure, beginning of a sentence; the subcaption package needs \ref*
\newcommand{\tabref}[1]{Table\;\ref{#1}} % Reference to table, middle of a sentence
\newcommand{\Tabref}[1]{Table\;\ref{#1}} % Reference to table, middle of a sentence
\newcommand{\lstref}[1]{Listing\;\ref{#1}} % Reference to code listing, middle of a sentence
\newcommand{\Lstref}[1]{Listing\;\ref{#1}} % Reference to code listing, beginning of a sentence
\newcommand{\defref}[1]{Def.\;\ref{#1}} % Reference to definition, middle of a sentence
\newcommand{\Defref}[1]{Def.\;\ref{#1}} % Reference to definition, beginning of a sentence
\newcommand{\chref}[1]{Chapter\;\ref{#1}} % Reference to chapter, middle of a sentence
\newcommand{\Chref}[1]{Chapter\;\ref{#1}} % Reference to chapter, beginning of a sentence
\newcommand{\secref}[1]{Section\;\ref{#1}} % Reference to section, middle of a sentence
\newcommand{\Secref}[1]{Section\;\ref{#1}} % Reference to section, beginning of a sentence
\newcommand{\appref}[1]{Appendix\;\ref{#1}} % Reference to appendix, middle of a sentence
\newcommand{\Appref}[1]{Appendix\;\ref{#1}} % Reference to appendix, beginning of a sentence
\newcommand{\algoref}[1]{Alg.\;\ref{#1}} % Reference to an algorithm, middle of a sentence
\newcommand{\Algoref}[1]{Alg.\;\ref{#1}} % Reference to an algorithm, beginning of a sentence
\newcommand{\algolineref}[1]{Line\;\ref{#1}} % Reference to a line of an algorithm, middle of a sentence
\newcommand{\Algolineref}[1]{Line\;\ref{#1}} % Reference to a line of an algorithm, beginning of a sentence
% use \algref{labelAlgo}{labelLine} to reference algorithm and line at once
%\newcommand{\matlab}{\textsc{Matlab}\textsuperscript{\textregistered}} % MATLAB
\newcommand{\writeMatlab}{\textsc{Matlab}} % MATLAB
%\newcommand{\simulink}{\textsc{Simulink}\textsuperscript{\textregistered}} % SIMULINK
\newcommand{\writeSimulink}{\textsc{Simulink}} % SIMULINK
\newcommand{\writeFunction}[1]{\texttt{#1}} % Programming function name, e.g. quadprog
% tikz individual externalization:
\newcommand{\mytikzexton}{\tikzexternalenable} % turn externalization on for the rest of the document
\newcommand{\mytikzextoff}{\tikzexternaldisable} % turn externalization off for the rest of the document
% macros for plot axis labels with default values to be overwritten in individual plots:
\newcommand\figureXLabel{Default XLabel}
\newcommand\figureYLabel{Default YLabel}
\newcommand\figureZLabel{Default ZLabel}
% -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
% Finish
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